On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Casey Allen Shobe wrote: | Rob Kaper wrote (on Tue, 26 Sep 2000): | | > KDE2 v1.0 release schedule | > - February/March 2001 - KDE2 1.1 release. | > - Summer 2001 - KDE2 1.2 based on Qt3.0 | What do we hear all the time from Gnome and other desktop environment | users? anybody? (echo) | | A: KDE does not release updates often enough. | | What should be done about this? | | A: Well, I, a KDE user and occasional complainer/bugreporter, have to | agree. Why should I have to wait for next spring for the next minor release | to get bugfixes and new features and functionality? This reminds me of | using Windows, or wait, are there releases of Windows more often if you I would say that release once per 3 months is ok. Like October-2.0, January-2.1, etc. | count win95a, b, c and win98se? I think that we should have a small | version, i.e. 2.0.1, 2.0.2, etc. every month. I think that that should be To my mind, latest Beta is ok for this purpose. You can call it Patched or Enhanced version, whatever you want. Beta3 came out on July 31st, Aug. 20th- next beta. Sep.10th -Beta4/RC1. So, it's approximately one update per 3 weeks. Good. Zerr gut :-) | a goal that is strived for. then the above schedule is fine :). | | Also, will QT3.0 be backwards compatible? Looks like - no. But' I don't understand where the problem is coming from. May be, it is 64-bit compatibility? SuSE started porting Linux to AMD Sledgehummer, 64-bit processor from AMD. Can somebody from SuSE comment if KDE2 will work on this wonderful CPU? -- Vadim Plessky >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<