A couple of weeks ago, I sent out a request for people interested in developing and/or helping develop eduware for KDE. Meanwhile, our new mailing list kde-edu@kde.org is up and running. If you are interested in - developing eduware - giving feedback as a teacher - discussing what eduware should be/not be like - creating sounds, pictures and movies for eduware then please subscribe by sending an email to kde-edu-request@kde.org with "subscribe your_account@your_domain" in body and subject. Uwe ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uwe Thiem Tel: +264 - 061 - 241223 P.O.Box 30955 Windhoek Email: uwe@uwix.alt.na Republic of Namibia uwe@kde.org http://www.kde.org ********************************** You can still escape from the GATES of hell: Use KDE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------