On Tue, Mar 07, 2000 at 01:11:43PM -0800, Graham TerMarsch wrote: Hi, > Subject just about says it all....been trying to build 'kdelibs' for > several days now but 'libkmid' keeps choking during the build. From the > looks of it its due to incompatible ALSA libraries (I know that they > changed the API recently, so I'm _suspecting_ that to be the likely > cause). Can anyone out there provide information as to which version(s) > of the ALSA driver 'libkmid' has been tested and verified to work with? it compiles perfectly with latest ALSA (0.5.5), but you (at least I) have to add -lasound to make it link. Cheers, Carsten Pfeiffer -- http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/1632/