Come on Stephan - Look at Mac, Windows - whenever u double click on something to run - something appears.. My suggestion is at least some note on the task bar "Loading..." or something will be good... Hetz At 10:33 07/03/2000 +0100, Stephan Kulow wrote: >Hetz Ben Hamo wrote: > > > > Hi, > > > > I'm just curious - many people have asked me and others about whats going > > on when program is loading, or document opening... > > > > In Windows - you have the hour-glass or pointer&hourglass. What will be > > with KDE2?? I think its very important (think about slow PC's when the user > > clicks on Koffice, the user doesn't see anything happends and keeps > > clicking)... > > >Oh - don't say that. _Especially_ old computers are very indicating that >they access the hard drive > >Greetings, Stephan > >-- >As long as Linux remains a religion of freeware fanatics, >Microsoft have nothing to worry about. > By Michael Surkan, PC Week Online ------------------------- Hetz Ben Hamo Sys. Admin. Intercomp