> On the technical side, this means... adding those states, the > corresponding icon, and the command line for the status check > to the definition of the mimetype, and using all of those > in KMimeType::icon. Sounds feasible. Couldn't you get by with the following: o A way to set the events that trigger a status check. o A way to specify the means of determining which icon to use. The "means of determining which icon to use" could include predefined options (ie, mounted vs. unmounted) and a way to run an arbitrary program that simply writes a state value or icon name to stdout. Wouldn't this generalize the behavior of the trashcan and device links? Couldn't it even let us make the printer icon change according to the printer status? -- crawford@iac.net "The bullets are just his way of saying 'Keep it down, I've got a hangover.'"