On Fre, 25 Feb 2000, Rivyn wrote: > Wee! goffice! Yet _another_ example of Gnome copying KDE. What else is new? > Who needs a common file format standard? Just use import/export filters. Of > course, KDE will do this first, and Gnome will follow along doing the same > exact thing, because that is The Gnome Way. ... Sorry, I was expecting a serious reply (from Miguel). There is no need for bashing between developers of OpenSource. We've agreed on using .desktop files already, we're trying to get a common window manager standard done and a common (or at least exchangable) file format for office apps would be the next step. I can't understand why they need to create their own office suite (I guess they're afraid of C++), but they/we should better spend our time on doing something useful rather than creating incompatibilities just because of ignorance or other childish behaviour. If anybody thinks he needs to argue, slashdot (aka bashdot) is the right place. there are all kinds of whiners there. Dirk