On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Dirk Schönberger wrote: > > This is wrong design; they should be encapsulated in the same class and at > > runtime be configured with a boolean flag. Yes, I know it's harder to do > > in the first place. > Hmm, I not fully understand you. All I want is a "simple" API for graphics > operations (KAAPainter), which work on several backends (KAAPaintDevice as > pure virtual class, > the rest as implementations for a given context - printer, bitmap, > metafile). > All of these backends are configured differently and separated from another, > so what use > is an encapsulation in one class) > > Please note that I not against your idea, I just can't get itDirk Think of the way antialiasing works in kghostview. The user decides wether or not the extra cpu power needed is worth the more slick view. I think this will for a couple of years to come be a decision users has to make. If this is so, a programmer using these classes will have to come up with a scheme that allows you to choose at runtime which instances of the painter classes are necessary. This will be a lot of code that all apps using aa will duplicate. The way to avoid this is to have one flag -- either on the widget or global -- which would make the necessary internal changes, when the user changes setting. Internally it could be possible to apply your idea, but exposing it to the individual programmer is IMHO not The Right Way. -- Bo Thorsen gobo@imada.sdu.dk Lahnsgade 31, st. DK-5000 Odense C Tlf: +45 66 11 83 85