On Thu, 30 Dec 1999, Stephan Litsch wrote: > > CVS should compile at all times. If not, someone needs to fix it > > :-) > > And NT should behave as a real operation system! What do you want to > say by "SHOULD"! And who is "SOMEONE"? CVS should compile: anyone who commits code must take care that it compiles. someone needs to fix: a person with CVS access who finds out that it does not compile and is able to correct the problem. > The link "kdecvs.stud.th.heilbronn.de" in "www.kde.org" is down to > determine who is "SOMEONE". I have no CVS-access -- or is there a > possiblity to get read-only-access now? Yes. Use CVSup. > The developers completly ignore the "Changes"- or "PORTING"-files! No they don't. I have a 23K long KDE2PORTING file in kdelibs. > That would be nice. Please start with the actual changes in > KFileDialog and why it is necessary to replace a functioning class > with the actuall bullshit in CVS. What you call a "functioning class" had serious design problems and some developers are currently working hard to replace it with a much better designed class. > Please explain me, why KRASH has > been released with a "stabilized API" and two weeks later > (28/12/1999) all my ported applications do not compile anymore?!? That's the price you pay for being on the bleeding edge. If you find that a waste of time, just use KRASH until the next developers release. By that time you can find what has changed since KRASH in KDE2PORTING. > What the fuck are you doing there? That's exactly the point I meant > with "loss of time"!!!!! We are making a kick-ass developers framework for morons like you. Cheers, Waldo