You could join our group. We are developing an AutoCAD-like package. I am doing all the low level geometry and math stuff. But I need people the glue all together into a GUI

John Dean
PS If intersted subscribe to our list

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Chant []
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 1999 12:17 AM
Subject: Development needs?

As a C programmer somewhat new to KDE, but with plenty of time and
willingness to code open source apps, I was wondering if anyone knows of a
current void that needs to be filled in terms of a KDE 2.0 program.  One
thing that I may take on is an FTP Client, because I haven't found any to my
liking in terms of featureset as of yet, but if there are any more pressing
issues which need addressing I would be happy to help.  Regarding the FTP
client, would that be frowned upon becuase of Konquerer's universal browser
function?  I still feel the need for a specialized FTP program, for batch
transfers and options...
Anyways, any feedback would be welcome.
    Andrew Chant