Hi all. I have been playing around with KodeKnight a bit the last couple of days, to make it compile for kde2. In order to make this possible, I have been forced to hack around in the auto(conf|make) scripts, and I have very little knowledge of how things are done in kde. I have been changing some things in the admin dir, and I am worried that I might change something in the standard admin dir, which is not what I want. Could someone with some admin dir knowledge tell me if I can commit my changes and not worry about the admin dir? Or is there something I should make sure before committing - e.g. possibly having admin in .cvsignore? Any other hints I should know about? -- Bo Thorsen gobo@imada.sdu.dk Lahnsgade 31, st. DK-5000 Odense C Tlf: +45 66 11 83 85