On Sun, 19 Sep 1999 Dirk A. Mueller wrote: >Espen Sand wrote: > >>> I generally agree. But what will happen with all that programs out >>> there that don't use that function? >> Then they are not compliant with the KDE-2 standard ;) > >Think again. Not every app that runs under KDE will ever be KDE-2 >standards compatible. Think again. If people would have had this attitude in autumn 1996, then KDE wouldn't exist today. Nobody would use session management, because not all applications implement it. Nobody would use kdehelp for showing documentation. Nobody would use KAccel for consistent shortcuts. >> 2. What if a dialog does not want to display the application name >> (for some odd/unlikely reason) > >well, dialog windows are not affected - WM can detect modal windows Err, what makes you think that modal windows should have captions handled different from non-modal windows? Bernd