Am 31. 8.1999 schrieb > 1. We intend to continue to maintain compatibility with the FHS, but will > be moving the includes out of /usr/include directly to /usr/include/kde, > and /usr/share directly to /usr/share/kde as allowed by the FHS, and as > Stephan Kulow's debian packages are doing. > > 2. I am perfectly willing to get together with Duncan and anyone else who > wants to make sure that things are compatible. But I *cannot* violate Red > Hat policy, and one of those policies is to be FHS where at all possible. So if I understand well your directory-list should look as follows (according to your 1.) Plese correct me if I am wrong. kde_htmldir = /usr/doc/kde/HTML kde_appsdir = /usr/share/kde/applnk kde_icondir = /usr/share/kde/icons kde_sounddir = /usr/share/kde/sounds kde_datadir = /usr/share/kde/apps kde_cgidir = /usr/lib/cgi-bin kde_confdir = /etc/kde kde_mimedir = /usr/share/kde/mimelnk kde_toolbardir = /usr/share/kde/toolbar kde_wallpaperdir = /usr/share/kde/wallpapers kde_bindir = /usr/bin kde_partsdir = /usr/lib/parts kde_locale = /usr/share/locale ^ +---- (here kde would not make much sense I think ...) Greetings, Stefan