Roberto Alsina wrote: > > On Tue, 31 Aug 1999, Alex Hayward wrote: > > > On Tue, 31 Aug 1999, Eugen R. Neuber wrote: > > > > > Second: since a few days I can't get any updates from your server! --- Did > > > you change anything? Are there no current patches anymore? > > > > We had a problem with a stale lock file being left lying around after a > > reboot whilst I was away. Updates should be going ahead normally now > > (although it hasn't updated yet 'cos the master server has been too busy > > for the past few hours). > > > > Another issue which people using CVSup from ferret might be affected by is > > that I had to remove the www collection from the mirror a little while ago > > due to the partition containing it nearly overflowing. The size of the CVS > > repository has grown steadily since we started mirroring and the whole > > thing would now take over 1GB. > > Well, using CVSUP for the www module doesn't make any sense anyway, or > does it? > Well, it could. But Alex is right - we have to cleanup the CVS repository. It's nice to be able to see the version of kmail.kdelnk that was present in 1.0beta3 - but who cares? We can still ship historical CVS repositories (David has the master I think :) Greetings, Stephan -- Programmers, heed this: If someone starts asking you about agricultural genomes, it's likely time to get a handler. about Torvalds