> With the new icon modifications in 1.1.2, > here is a detail that needs to be addressed/fixed before release. > (quickly!) > > (1) the Control Center Applications/Panel configuration > (kcmkpanel) allows Tiny/Normal/Large icons > to be selected. > (2) The Control Center Desktop/Style configuration > (kcmdisplay) has a new feature that > allows Normal/Large icons > to be selected for (a) Panel (b) Desktop/kfm (c) "other" > > so: > > --- There is setting of Panel icon style > in TWO places (bad) I don't see any reason for it being that bad: - (1) targets people's need to get a bigger/smaller *panel* (thereby changing the iconsize). while - (2) adresses the need of changing the *icon-size* (which results in a different-sized panel ...). So people will probably search in different places depending on their aims. Of course one could want to add another column 'mini' to the style-menu ... > --- what is happening to "tiny: style (mini) icons > in 1.1.2 ? These are good if you want a very small > panel. Well -- it should work like in kde 1.1.1 of course -- doesn't it? It once did work .... Torsten > (1.1.2pre3 snapshot) > > duncan