Though I don't have any strong opinion about this topic anymore I'll add my 4 KB;-) of pros and cons here that I collected. I don't know the reasons that made the kde-pr-team raise up this question again. So if I forgot anything feel free to add cons and pros ... pros: ==== + there are addtional features so it's not just yet another bugfix release: o kdevelop: a fully featured and easy to use development environment for KDE /UnixX11. The existence of kdevelop will hopefully result in a huge amount of additional KDE-apps. o kthememgr & kwm-themes o large & hicolor -icons: (for kde-artists this has been probably the major-release as it required much more work than any other previous release and probably more work than KDE 2.0 will need.) o (afaik) additional japanese language support (?): which is a very huge step as I've been told on Linuxtag as japanese is the most difficult language to be supported. + By linux-kernel-tradition stable versions have even version-numbers and we should follow this linux-tradition for psychologic/pr-reasons and to avoid confusion among newbies who have been told that only even-numbered apps are stable. It's not easy to decide if the following points belong to 'pros' or 'cons': +/- GNOME decided to name its next release 1.2 although Miguel claims that it won't have any additional features. To avoid that newbies might prefer GNOME because of its higher version-number this might be a (though questionable) reason for naming it 1.2. +/- from the pr-point-of-view a 1.2 would certainly draw much more attention to this release than a 1.1.2. So in short terms naming it 1.2 would be quite positive. The question that remains to be answered: 'Is it worth a 1.2? -- Will people be disappointed by the number/quality of features that have been added?' The answer to this question decides wether naming it 1.2 would be positive in long terms. cons: ==== - the number of additional features are not even comparable to those that have been added for 1.1.1. So naming it 1.2 would neither be honest nor consistent. - we don't want to compete with GNOME in terms of version numbers -- that would be ridiculous and wouldn't be in the tradition of the kde-project. - concerning most of the apps it's just a bugfix-release. - It would sound like a cheap shot at the gnomes, which want to call their next beta 1.2. Torsten Rahn