FYI ... -------- Original Message -------- Subject: qlistview bug Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 14:39:29 -0400 From: "Brian Rolfe" To: CC: Ming Poon , Brian Jones I found another QListView bug. It has to to with the automatic focus of items when you type characters. It happens in Qt 1.44, 2.0.1 When you start to type characters in a QListView, it starts at the currentItem() and starts to look down the list and will restart at the top on this condition: if (input.length() > 1 && d->currentPrefixTime.msecsTo( now ) > 1500 ) { input.truncate( 0 ); keyItem = d->r; } The problem is if you start your app and make a selection in the middle of the list somewhere and then proceed to press chars that *would* cause the focus to move to items above your current selection, it won't work. Reason being, the data has not been set up (input.length() == 0; d->currentPrefixTime == undefined), so it will never get into this if, and restart the search at the top. The only way to get it to work is to type characters of items below your current selection, to get the input saved and the timer going. Then you can proceed to move the focus around properly. The easiest solution is to have: static bool bFirst = true; if (bFirst || (input.length() > 1 && d->currentPrefixTime.msecsTo(now) > 1500)) { if (bFirst) { bFirst = false; } input.truncate(0); keyItem = d->r; } This will cause it to restart at the top of the list and the data will get set up. OR: You could setup the data in CListView's constructor: set d->currentPrefixTime to current time && set input to something with length 1 (like " ") --Brian R