On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, Daniel Naber wrote: > file is a QString and I wonder why this works at all? In the API > documentation (Qt 1.44) I can only see drawText methods taking const > char*. Anyway, if you never execute the line above, which is the > if-case, but instead the else-case, everthing seems to work. This is > the same as de-activating the transparent background for the iconsī > text. I added +1 to textXOffset and the iconsī text was smashed up. > I.e. I donīt understand whatīs going on here and therefore cannot fix > it. Well, I haven't looked into it (and don't have the time), but I know that it works because there is an implicit typecast from QString to char*. QString has an operator (char *). -- Stefan van den Oord s.m.vandenoord@student.utwente.nl