> > The state of both dms is that they support ODBC API about > Vers 2.5. Both projects are working on threads and ODBC > Vers 3.0 support and on 3.0 call translation for 2.5 drivers. > Well this is not quite right. The unixODBC driver manager was a ODBC 3 driver manager from the outset. It has never been a 2.x DM, thats why we started work on the project. It includes all the 3.x to 2.x translation as specified in the MS ODBC 3.5 spec, and is an attempt to replicate the 3.x support enjoyed by Windows programmers. It supports the full 3.x API and should allow both 3 and 2 applications to function with 3 and 2 drivers. If it doesn't let me know and we will fix. Thread support is now present in the CVS version from http://www.unixodbc.org, and once I have finished adding autoconf, automake support, this and a few bug fixes will be released as a beta 1.6 (should be within the week). I will then upgrade the code in the KDE release to match. Nick Gorham