From kde-devel Tue Jul 13 08:48:18 1999 From: "Markus Holzem" Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 08:48:18 +0000 To: kde-devel Subject: FYI: Why selecting is everywhere X-MARC-Message: First I want to apologize for my outburst but I was not aware that only few developers are on kde-look. It is difficult to transport, what the problem with single click (SC) and double click (DC) of the left mouse button (LMB) is. Oops - lamps burning? Again a stupid mail on this matter? Please make the effort to understand it. I don't have the possibility to show you video tapes of users (novice, advanced, expert) sitting in front of KDE to proof the difficulties they have, but perhaps sensible arguments can help too: Whenever the user is confronted simultaneously with more than one item he needs an option to * select one item (usually done with SC) * select successive items (usually done with SHIFT + SC) * select non-successive items (usually done with CTRL + SC) Examples: * user searches for specific files and gets back a list. He selects one or more files and e.g. moves/copies/deletes them. * user receives mails and wants to organize a few in a subfolder. He selects them and puts them to the destination * user draws with an OO graphic application. He selects some objects and recolours them. * user wants to change a specific item in a dialog (e.g. list or combo box) he selects the dialog item and changes the data. These are only a few examples I can think of. All selections are performed by a LMB SC. Whenever a user wants to perform an action on the selection he selects it from a toolbar or a menu bar. But some actions are that usual, that it was decided, that the user should have a simple shortcut to perform the action immediately on the selection: * a DC on the selection performs what is called the default action. For a file manager it would be to open the file, for a dialog box it is usually to close the dialog box with the default button (i.e. OK), for a tree node to open the sub tree, ... * a context menu that is popped up, when the user presses the right mouse button (RMB). That gives the user the following impression of the user interface: * LMB SC: select items (modifiable by SHIFT and CTRL) * LMB DC: perform some very common action on the selected items * RMB SC: pop up a context menu that shows the most important actions that can be performed on the selection (and perhaps the default action in bold face). This scheme is kind of "burnt in". After some time when the novice progresses and becomes an advanced user it even works - at least partially - on a subconscious level and he uses this scheme on all applications without thinking. For the novice it might be even more important, because it means that he cannot destroy something by simply clicking on it. He becomes more bold to try out new things. That is basic HCI (human computer interaction): Learn once - use everywhere. The user should not need to have the concept of different applications (and he often might not get the point if he was able). He learns how a desktop environment (DE) works once and can apply it on all other applications of the same DE. This is were user interface guidelines come in. They fix, how the user is supposed to work with a DE. And guidelines don't have the concept of different applications either. This is the reason why I insist that much, that from the users perspective the behaviour of the desktop and kfm are so problematic. Sometimes the LMB SC performs an action and the user has no concept why this is so. Everyone talks nowadays about "intuitive" usage of user interfaces. Most HCI designers are happy when they get to the point when it becomes memorable. And a DE becomes more memorable when the mouse does not behave differently in each application. It part of the term "Look & Feel": Feel. Just to clarify the matter of SC vs. DC. Markus