Hi, I've written the basis of a new screensaver engine for KDE 2.0. The screensaver works in a similar way to xscreensaver, i.e. a driver (kdesktop) provides the timeout, locking, and blanking functionality, but does no actual drawing. A separate stand-alone program capable of drawing on a supplied window is used to do the actual fancy graphics. xscreensaver's "hacks" will work with the KDE screensaver engine. This makes adding new screensavers trivial, and means one less process that must always be running (compared to KDE 1.x). The screensaver is controlled via KWM module commands: kwmcom kss_reconfigure Reloads the screensaver config from lt-desktoprc. kwmcom kss_lock Locks the screensaver immediately. A CORBA interface could also be provided. At the moment no way of launching the hack has been implemented, partly because I'm not sure how to tell the screensaver engine what hacks are available. In KDE 1.x all screensavers were named *.kss, so no config file was required to locate the screensavers. This is not satisfactory anymore since xscreensaver or other programs not related to KDE may be used, and may require different command line parameters. I propose using *.desktop files to describe available hacks. I would like to put them in $KDEDIR/share/applnk/Screensavers but they would be displayed in the K menu, which is really quite pointless (perhaps the config dialog, or a demonstration could be launched). Where else could they be placed? I would like to commit my current implementation soon if no one objects. Unfortunately, the control center tab will require a minor rewrite, and the existing screensavers must be stripped down a little. So if I commit this, for a while you will only have a black screen for a screen saver. Is this a problem for anyone? bye, -- Martin Jones mjones@kde.org