On Fri, 02 Jul 1999, Robert Williams wrote: > I am curious how kmail is progressing? I have not > seen many major commits in a long time now. Normally Sven Radej or Stefan Taferner would reply to this kind of mail, but they seem to be otherwise engaged at the moment. I commited changes to about 20 files in the HEAD branch a couple of weeks ago to sync the HEAD branch with KDE_1_1_BRANCH. This included many bugfixes and a few enhancements (like Svens better inline showing of attachments including html attachments). It is true that the UI hasn't changed in months though if that's what you're getting at. >I am > using Netscape now for email and it never formats > the emails right. I set the margins to 70, 60, > and 50 and it still does not work right. Is there > an advanced kmail on someone's hard drive? Stefan Taferner has put a lot of work into the next version of kmail, kmail2. The source code is in kdenonbeta/libkmsg (nearly complete) and kdenonbeta/kmail2 (not as complete), both require porting to the HEAD branch. > I can not use kmail as it stands however. I need > strong filters and a tree of folders to organize > the ton of emails I get daily. Is there a road > map for Kmail somewhere? > > If I can help please let me know. I am learning > KDE 2.0 and QT 2.0 so I wont be of much help now, > but later I will. I would say a good way of contributing would be to try to fix the things in kmail that you find make it unusable and submit patches to Sven (or me I guess if it is for the HEAD branch). I am learning KDE 2 and QT 2 too, you don't need to be an expert to contribute. If you can compile kmail from source and program in C++ you just need to find something that needs fixing and read the source, it just takes time. If you need more info just e-mail me. I don't know what you mean by strong filters but if you want to update the GUI to show a tree of folders I think that would be cool. I'm looking at QListView at the moment and was thinking or replacing the KTabListBox that is used for the folder pane with it, probably I wouldn't/won't get around to this until October, and I would've/would talk to Stefan before I did it. (Or I might work on the kmail2 GUI). If you want to look showing a tree folders that would be great, I noticed that the non UI code already seems to be set up to handle nested folders. If you use KMail in the head branch be aware of the following bugs 1) You have to start it from within the ~/Mail directory as it writes the .foldername.index files to the current directory for some reason I haven't had time to work out yet. 2) Drag and drop is broken. I spent a lot of time trying to fix this but failed. I suspect the snapshot of QT I was using had broken drag and drop stuff. If you are interested in something more major than you might like to contact Stefan Taferner and offer to help with finishing of the new libkmsg code. He would be delighted to get help finishing this off as he is very busy now, though he did recently check in a round of updates. BFN, Don.