> What is the impact for applications if iodbc is changed for unixodbc? In theory, iODBC and the unixODBC DM are interchangeable. However; some differences exist. The primary difference is that iODBC uses non-standard include files.... in name, if not, in content. Also; I think unixODBC uses more up-to-date include files in terms of the ODBC level supported. I would like to promote the use of unixODBC from the start. I started unixODBC with KDE in mind from the start. People here may recall that I started a discussion like this several times over the last 5 or 6 months. For example; 1. unixODBC has a wider scope of functionality which, I hope, mirrors what is needed in KDE. I am referring to the GUI tools, DM. install helper, system info lib etc 2. unixODBC target platforms are exactly the same. Developement is on Linux and some people are using it on Solaris. The mandate is UNIX. All of this was done to provide a complete solution within KDE at some point. I, personnaly, would be quite dissappointed if unixODBC was not adopted by KDE in favour of iODBC. Any technical reasons why we should not use unixODBC in KDE can be quickly addressed. For example; if it is an issue with the unixODBC distribution being too large then we can break out key parts like the DM (the plan was to do this a little further down the road). If its is a question of a lack of functionality in unixODBC then the unixODBC team of developers will ensure that it gets done... although I think unixODBC is actually far more functional than iODBC.... including supporting a higher ODBC complience level. I think it became apparent, the last time this issue was raised, that ODBC should make its way into KDE. The problem is that noone really wanted to do it. So I would like to suggest to Lars that he, I and perhaps oters tackle the job of getting ODBC config into the control center and getting some sort of data manager into the distribution. ??? Peter Harvey BTW: I think that the Data Manager can have ODBC config function in it... I think that they could share some of this code and then have just the config function in the control center (for more novice users).