KAccel is very very heavy to use when used in conjunction with menu items. It features void changeMenuAccel ( QPopupMenu *menu, int id, const QString& action ); but it has to be called twice in the code : once in the constructor, no problem, but also once (for each item!) after calling KKeyDialog::configureKeys - which means that each id has to be stored. It works, but I find it rather heavy. Why not store the QPopupMenu * and the id together with the action, in order to update the menu item when the action key is updated ? For heaviness reduction, insertItem and connectItem could even be merged IMHO. (or connectItem could stay, but connect to the slot AND to the popupmenu). Who is in charge for KAccel ? Matthias Ettrich is the last one listed in the copyrights - Matthias, do you maintain it ? PS : Martin ! It seems that no mail sent to @kde.org passes through. I'm starting to hate my choice to ever use that address. -- David FAURE david.faure@insa-lyon.fr, faure@kde.org http://www.insa-lyon.fr/People/AEDI/dfaure/index.html KDE, Making The Future of Computing Available Today