On Sun, 16 May 1999, Cristian Tibirna wrote: > Until now I only heard that a switch wouldn't be so hard. I didn't hear, > though, any compelling advantage of this switch. Extensibility. Emerging "industry standard." Note that I am not "gung ho" to swith to XML, but the idea intrigues me and I at least *interested* in exploring the possiblity. IMO the point that "we have to maintain backwards compatibility with existing KDE installations" is a non-issue. A conversion program that ran whenever KDE detected an "old-style" config file or a KDE installation time would take care of that. Additionally, we are breaking source compatibility in KDE 2.0 in a rather major way, so I don't think asking developers to switch their config files to a new format is too much on top of that. Again note that I am not advocating we do this. Just exploring it. --- Preston Brown Systems Engineer pbrown@redhat.com Red Hat Software, Inc.