On Sat, 15 May 1999 pbrown@redhat.com wrote: > On Sun, 16 May 1999, Steffen Hansen wrote: > > > Maybe the app should decide for itself if entries should be cached in RAM > > (in a QMap). > > We have talked a little more and now it seems like putting the entries in > a size limited QCache might be a good idea, which the cache flushed out > periodically. > > However, I am under the impression that once an application has allocated > memory, even if it frees it, it doesn't go back into the system memory > pool. It keeps it until it exits. Isn't this the case in the majority of > UNIX systems? At least under Linus this is wrong. if a whole page is freed it is returned to the system. Uwe ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uwe Thiem Tel: +264 - 061 - 244511 P.O.Box 30955 Fax: +264 - 061 - 244511 Windhoek Email: uwe@uwix.alt.na Republic of Namibia uwe@kde.org http://www.kde.org ********************************** You can still escape from the GATES of hell: Use KDE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------