Please forgive any ignorance I may bring. I'm sure that some of you would have heard of "opendoc", for those of you who haven't it was a joint project between apple and ibm where you would start with a minimal set of tools to work on a document (or spreadsheet, or flowchart or anything) and then pull in the tools which you wished to use to edit that doc. Pull from where? I'm not sure because the system never took off but the concepts sound good. andrew wansink > On Thu, 13 May 1999, Glen Parker wrote: > >Why don't you guys just dump all the existing menus and toolbars and stuff, > >and copy all the usefull code into a set of classes that would implement a > >"CommandItem", a "CommandSheet" and subclass "CommandBar". A command bar > >would replace both menu bars and toolbars, providing buttons with optional > >command sheet drop-downs, which could be torn off and placed into a > >top-level widget. Each command would have: > > > >1) Optional text > >2) Optional icon > >3) or Both > > > >Command sheets would be customizable, and therefore also command bars. > > > >Wouldn't it be nice to have all that toolbar/menu stuff consolidated? > >There's just so much overlap these days, ever since we started hanging menus > >off of toolbar buttons. You could have a nice icon for each top level menu > >button (File, Edit, Help, etc.), you could have labels on toolbar buttons, > >you could even have line editors in popup menus, and it would all be > >consistently handled by the same code. > > > >This is pretty much where MS is *trying* to go with all that new > >menu/toolbar stuff, but they don't seem to be able to get a handle on it > >completely. KDE should be the first! > > > >Glen > > That's exactly what Taj did with KAction. But dumping a million lines of > existing code isn't so easy.... > > Matthias >