On Sun, 2 May 1999, David Faure wrote: > On Sun, May 02, 1999 at 08:56:56PM +0200, Sven Radej wrote: > > I will repeat what I said before. > > When detecting desktop entry let's check for > > "[ Desktop Entry]" and not extension. Extension should not be used > > for detection at all. can be "KDE", "GNOME" , "UDE", "FOODE"... > > anything. > > Well, the idea is good, but when it comes to implementation - I can only > see it as an awful trick. > Apps call myKConfig->setGroup("KDE Desktop Entry"); A piece of my current hack involves checking in KConfig::setGroup to see whether or not the [KDE Desktop Entry] group exists, and if it does, it uses that. Otherwise it checks the generic [Desktop Entry] group, which is what GNOME uses. GNOME does not use [GNOME Desktop Entry], it uses the generic and neutral [Desktop Entry]. And they aren't doing anything strange, so that is OK. I basically decided that this was the only part of the conversion that should be implemented in KConfig, and even that could be removed at some point when everything was converted over. The second part of the change is of course supporting .desktop files in addition to / in preference of the .kdelnk files. I have implemented this mostly in kio, but because some apps aren't fully using kio yet (including kpanel), I have hacked in them as well. They will be using kio fully in the future I assume, so all the code will become consolidated in a single location. None of this is breaking existing code. --- Preston Brown Systems Engineer pbrown@redhat.com Red Hat Software, Inc.