Robert Hagemann wrote: > Thanx for Your suggestion. > > I don't know the implementation details of the Qt Collection classes, > but B. Stroustrup (inventor of C++) has described the rationale behind the > template mechanism in C++ and the philosopy that is behind the STL. > Conclusion is, *not* to inherit template classes, unless it's absolutely > inevitable (see his C++ Book). > > Another idea, that has come to my mind: > I ommitted the detail, that class B is inheriting QFrame. So I could use > QList instead. I consider this bearable, because the list is a > private member and therefor the usage is restricted to my own class A. > > Any comments on that? I guess that's the most pragmatic approach. You loose a bit of abstraction that way. I've never read Stroustrup but I don't see what is wrong with inheriting from template classes. Not that this is important in any way. Cheers, Waldo