The Problem ----------- It occurs to me that there is no easy way, currently, to have more than one distinct user-level setup for KDE for one account. My situation at work is that I tend to use up to 4 different computers -- all with very different hardware requirements. On my "main" workstation, I have a nice big monitor (21") with a decent (24-bit) graphics card. On most of the other ones, the monitor is 19" with an 8-bit card. This means that my very cool looking desktop with all of it's high-color graphics looks and acts *terrible* on some of the machines. What would be *very* handy is a way to have multiple setups for my account. That way, I could have my graphics intesive desktop for my main workstation but still be able to use a more boring version for the other stations. A Possible Solution -------------------- Most, if not all, KDE apps use KApplication::localkdedir() as the base for local configuration stuff. This static function looks like so: return ( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.kde" ); In other words, $HOME/.kde. What if this was user settable? If this was the case, then I could set the local kde dir just before starting up KDE on each workstation and I would be ensured that my special settings would hold only for that workstation. Something like so could work: QString localdir(getenv("KDELOCALDIR")); if (localdir.isEmpty()) return ( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.kde" ); else return ( localdir ); So I could have $HOME/.kde-hi and $HOME/.kde-lo and two setup scripts #!/bin/sh KDELOCALDIR=$HOME/.kde-hi startkde Does this sound reasonable? -- Kurt Granroth | KDE Developer/Evangelist | KDE -- Putting a Friendly Face on Linux