On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, Alex Zepeda wrote: > On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, Chris Schlaeger wrote: > > > I haven't found a single call to abort(). So I tried the assign() > > calls. All of them are in situations where it makes no sense to > > continue. There might be nicer ways to terminate an application but > > since all I have to worry about are open files and allocated memory I > > see no reason not to use assert(). > > assert(), calls abort which calls kill.... which kills the program.. > Which as far as I'm concerned is stupid. If the program can't run, it > should let the user know in a more informative way than "abort trap..". Isn't the user suposed to run a build with -DNDEBUG, so assert is a noop? ("\''/").__..-''"`-. . Roberto Alsina `9_ 9 ) `-. ( ).`-._.`) ralsina@unl.edu.ar (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._`. " -.-' Centro de Telematica _..`-'_..-_/ /-'_.' Universidad Nacional del Litoral (l)-'' ((i).' ((!.' Santa Fe - Argentina KDE Developer (MFCH) Life isn't short. It's just that death is longer.