Yes, but setting a few environment variables for each application start doesn't look very user friendly.

So, I hope, there is another solution.

ср, 21 авг. 2019 г. в 21:19, Francis Herne <>:
On Wednesday, 21 August 2019 18:18:10 BST Никита Сиргиенко wrote:
> Hi all,
> Has anyone had issues with KDE Apps (based on kde frameworks) portability?
> I mean, the app can use different types of file: .rc, .knsrc, .png,
> additinal binary files, etc
> The problem appears, if you installed this files non standart installetion
> prefix, like /opt.
> Obviously, I can forward-pass installation prefix path, binary path, etc
> from Cmake to the aplication, but I am interested, is there support for
> situtation like this from KDE frameworks?
> Just an example: the app have a few .rc files for menus, can I set
> additional search path for kde core addons (better from cmake, but settings
> path for example from main.cpp not bad too, if it need done only one time),
> and use not absolute path?
> I know, that Kde apps more target to kde platform, but the application is a
> part of KdeEdu project, and portability is very important for us (for our
> application), because we target for students, and the students often
> haven't administration rights on work computers, used for education.
> Best Regards,
> Nikita

Most KDE applications are very tolerant of unusual paths.

Besides the various prefixes at build/install time, you might need to set
environment variables, particularly QT_PLUGIN_PATH and those specified by

 - Francis H