Hi all,

i would like to check if there is some interest into including SQL tool into KDE and helping with development. So far the project has (had) two developers, me and asw-dev (from github, do not know his actual name).

This was started because, afaik, there is no application in Qt5 that fits into KDE that provides this functionality.

Anyhow, the code and how it looks like is here: https://github.com/mispp/goat
Some things are missing, some things are not working best, but overall it does work.

Incubator requirements, per point:
  • Compliance with the KDE Manifesto -> this is currently hosted on github, but it is not a problem to move it to kde infrastructure (gitlab)
  • Governance similar to the other KDE projects -> i cant really judge this since this has been a small effort. what does this exactly mean?
  • Clear product vision -> product vision is described in readme. not sure if this enough.
  • Healthy team (healthy proportion of volunteers, inclusive towards new contributors, ideally more than one developer) -> this is one of the issues. reason for reaching out is lack of developer time.
  • Uses English for code and communication -> ok
  • Continuity agreement must be in place with KDE e.V. for domains and trademarks if the authors disappear -> ok
  • Recommended to attend Akademy -> this generally is ok, but cannot promise since i have to take days off for this.
According to asw-dev, it is ok to put it into KDE incubator if the license stays the same (GPLv3), so this could be a potential issue i guess.

Let me know what you think.

BR, Miroslav.