Hi Anu, I recommend KDevelop for you if you want  to do some coding on it. KDevelop offers better support for cmake project.

You can find some intro about CMake on KDE TechBase.

---- On 星期日, 18 一月 2015 00:01:02 +0800 anu22mittal@gmail.com wrote ----

I included those .cpp class needed by the application by adding the class name in set[1] of cmake,this successfully included the respective .cpp and .h files in my folder under qt creator but there is one header file (libkdeedu_compoundviewer_export.h) which is included by the openbabel2wrapper.h is still not found in the folder.

[1]set( compoundviewer_SRCS

where am i going wrong?

On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 5:45 PM, anu mittal <anu22mittal@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, i am asking for the application Kalzium.
Okay, i got it. 