Meeting done, notes at as Mario linked to. Next meeting will be in 2 weeks time at the same hour.


On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 4:10 PM, Mario Fux <> wrote:
Am Dienstag, 06. Januar 2015, 01.38:32 schrieb Aleix Pol:

Morning Aleix and Co

> It could be interesting to have a kanban board for CI, so we all know
> what's going on?
> Feel free to add things in the SDK one [1]
> Aleix
> [1]

We'll try to do this. Definitely a good idea. Thx.

And about the date, it's set now: We'll meet next Wednesday at 8pm (UTC+1) in

Here is already the notes link:

And for the occasion I can't make it, Jeremy will take over.

Thanks and good night