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This review has been submitted with commit 59519f5b7f69d3c661379765b4928355cd2e047d by Frank Reininghaus to branch KDE/4.13.

- Commit Hook

On May 1st, 2014, 1:14 p.m. UTC, Frank Reininghaus wrote:

Review request for Baloo.
By Frank Reininghaus.

Updated May 1, 2014, 1:14 p.m.

Bugs: 333763
Repository: baloo

Description shows that the Xapian database constructor can throw an exception, which is not handled at the moment. This patch wraps all Xapian-related stuff in Baloo::FileFetchJob::doStart() in a try {...} block and catches all exceptions.

The alternative would be to only add a catch statement for the Xapian::DatabaseOpeningError which seems to be thrown according to the bug report, provided that we can be 100% sure that no other exceptions can be thrown there. IMHO, a library that uses external libraries that can throw exceptions should try as hard as possible to catch all exceptions.


Unit tests still pass.


  • src/file/lib/filefetchjob.cpp (21f5520)

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