On 31 Mar 2014, at 22:41 , mk-lists@email.de wrote:
So, obviously the test program fiddles with the ICNS file at startup and restores it when shutting down…
What’s going on there and what can go wrong?

So, I figure now that the problem is actually due to the fact that the icon at runtime gets loaded from the install location in e.g. /opt/local/share/icons/oxygen/ whereas the icon in the dock is extracted from the ICNS file in the app package.

It is important not only to supply the ICNS file, but also to install all needed PNGs in the required dimensions in /opt/local/share/icons/hicolor/…/apps/tutorial2.png

There is also clears up why there are different kdevelop icons shown!
Since MacPorts installs the oxygen icon set, KDE actually assigns those icons instead of the hicolor ones installed by the application itself:
$ pwd
$ find . -name "kdevelop*"

On 24 Mar 2014, at 02:36 , Ian Wadham <iandw.au@gmail.com> wrote:
So where is this NEW Konqueror icon coming from?  The files in pics/indicators seem
to be far too small to be a big icon like that.

The same holds for Konqueror, which answers your question, Ian! :-)
