On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 4:15 AM, Ian Wadham <iandw.au@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi guys,

I need some ongoing help, advice and mentoring from time to
time as I investigate why some KDE apps run OK on Apple
OS X and others do not.  The problem is simply stated.

Linux and Apple OS X are similar operating systems underneath,
but they run different desktops.  When you boot up, each system
gets to a point where it starts up the desktop.  KDE uses the
startkde script --- Apple OS X uses something else …

Startkde and its successors set up several processes, services
and resources that are essential to certain KDE applications at
run time and for which there is no equivalent in Apple OS X.
Unless someone/something starts the necessary components,
some KDE applications will fail.

The problem is to find out which processes, services and
resources are essential, how to start them and whether they
operate correctly in an Apple OS X environment.  Obviously
kwin is not essential in this sense, but what is?

Conversely, given an app that fails to run or has missing pieces,
how does one find out what is required for it to run?

Most KDE apps build and run well in Apple OS X.  The difficult
ones are the more complex ones --- and the ones that are in
demand from Apple users --- such as Digikam, Kdenlive,
KDevelop and Amarok.

So far Macports, which packages KDE apps for Apple OS X,
is aware of the need for DBus, kdeinit4 and kbuildsysoca4.
It takes steps to inform users on how to set these up after
installation or --- if possible --- it automates some of the work
via scripts.

The case of kbuildsysoca4 is a good example.  In Sept 2012,
I was trying to run KCompare, but it kept failing without
displaying anything.  So I tried running it from the command
line.  There was an error message about not being able to
find a view and a suggestion to run kbuildsycoca4, so I did.

KCompare sprang to life.  On a hunch, I tried some other
apps and they worked too.  Since that time kbuildsycoca4
has been run automatically by a Macports script and the
number of problems with KDE apps has dropped dramatically.

The first thing I would like to try and find out is how plugins
work, behind the scenes.  The app I am currently working on
is Palapeli, a KDE jigsaw puzzle game.  When you create
a puzzle, a "slicers" app runs as a plugin.  That never used
to work on Apple OS X before we started using kbuildsycoca4.

Now it works in the Macports installed version, but not in my
development environment, which has several environment
variables for $KDEHOME, etc.  Is there perhaps a variable
or path that I need to set to help find plugins?

It is no use reporting this on Bugzilla, because there is
currently no maintainer for Palapeli.  I am all there is.
So if I cannot fix it myself, nobody will.

But I need help, guidance and mentoring as I dive into
KDE internals.  Any offers will be gratefully accepted.

All the best, Ian W.

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Hi Ian,
I know Alexander set up his KDevelop on Mac OS X with these scripts:

Maybe you can use it for inspiration or contact him.

Good luck!