Hi Stefan,

Thank you for your reply.

However, in kubuntu, there is a file /etc/kde4rc saying 


It should change the behavior of getting default from /etc/kde4 to /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings.

Actually, when I put some configurations to /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings it really changed the default setting.  For dolphin, apps/dolphin/dolphinui.rc applied but dolphin preview settings (global/.directory) didn't.

I tried to put dolphin preview settings in /etc/kde4 it didn't work either.


2013/6/17 "Stefan Brüns" <Stefan.Bruens@rwth-aachen.de>

Am 17.06.13, schrieb Franklin Weng  <franklin@goodhorse.idv.tw>:

> Hi Anne,
> What I'm going to do is to put this global configuration as system default.  When I add a user, he will get this behavior (preview all folders) as default setting in dolphin.
> However, I tried to put this global view_properties in /usr/share/kde4/apps/dolphin and /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/share/apps/dolphin, I still couldn't get it as system default...

You should not change any defaults in /usr/share/kde4/{apps,config}, as these will be overwritten on next update.

The right place to change system default is /etc/kde4/share/{apps,config}/. Copy any relevant [Section] statemens and key=value pairs from the config file and place this new file with the same name as the original one under /etc/...

If you want this [section] or key= to be immutable, use [$i], for details google for "kde config kiosk", and read [1].



[1] https://techbase.kde.org/KDE_System_Administration/Kiosk/Introduction

Stefan Brüns  /  Bergstraße 21  /  52062 Aachen
phone: +49 241 53809034     mobile: +49 151 50412019