I was looking at the source code of how you implemented the docks.txt .One suggestion was implementation on matrix mathematics as it would make even solving large problems like loop laws or nodal analysis easy.also in todo text file could you explain in english what was written as it was in German and i was not able to understand.Also i was willing for development of this app with you so please tell me if there is anything that i could do

On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Alexander Rössler <mail.aroessler@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello KDE developers,


Sorry that I'm anwering so late.


Well, as far as I know the KDE calculation applications provide following features:

KCalc: a classic calculator, easy to use, but very unproductive for bigger equatations

KAlgebra: mostly a plotting software but with extended calculation functionally (which is usually needed for the plotting part)

Cantor: A KDE interface for different Math languages and applications


The mentioned applications are great and actually do their job. PhyxCalc is a different kind of software. The idea is to create the missing-link between algebra software and simple calculator. Its intended to be simple in terms of usability and interface and at the same time very powerful. I think it is mostly useful for writing down formulas and to calculate and verify them, more a text editor with culcalation functionality. I for example use it mostly to do simple calculations with physical units or to verify and convert hex and bin codes. The idea is not to create a second octave. Another reason I ported this application was that I was very annoyed be KCalc-like calculators, because they are actually not very useful on desktop computers (and I have seen a lot of people using them).


Another idea is to use it for educational reasons. For example to add informations to the physical units and the mathematical functions would not be too hard. I could imagine bobbles with information about a unit when moving the mouse cursor over the unit in the text. Also the editable grammar part could be interesting for informatic students.


Here is actually the link to the application on Qt-Apps.org (it is also on KDE-Apps.org): http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/PhyxCalc?content=149140

The most recent development version can be found on GitHub:



Best Regards



On Sunday 10 February 2013 22:17:54 Andreas Cord-Landwehr wrote:

On Sunday 10 February 2013 19:28:19 Alexander Rössler wrote:

> I'm interested in adding my application to the KDE project and to mentor

> some students during GSoC. The application is PhyxCalc (http://qt-

> apps.org/content/show.php/PhyxCalc?content=149140

> ). I think I have already mentioned it last year. I'm only maintaining it

> currently, but I think this application has potential and could also be

> interesting for the KDE project (as KAC (KDE Advanced Calculator), just

> kidding). Especially interesting is that it is purely based on Qt and C++,

> which makes it quite outstanding I think for an calculator with parsing

> functionality. Very special about it is actually the parser whose grammer is

> saved in a text file instead of hard coding, making it very flexible. I

> have already written on the GSoC page and a few students have already

> contacted me that they would be interested.


Hey Alexander,


could you give some insights into the differences to our existing KDE Edu projects like KAlgebra [1] and Cantor [2] (including Cantor's backends)? I would like to understand where the differences between them and PhyxCalc are, especially

* where PhyxCalc goes beyond their features and

* where the benefit of a stand-alone extension lies compared to extending our existing applications.


IMO it would help much to understand your application better by understanding the differences to the applications we already ship. Maybe there is even a possible collaboration hidden that could be started :)





[1] http://edu.kde.org/applications/all/kalgebra

[2] http://edu.kde.org/applications/all/cantor


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Rahul Bhola
Core Member
Department of backstage
Bits Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus