Hey everyone

I recently wrote a 'tags' kio slave, which allows one to browse nepomuk tags, and the files containing those tags. It is currently in kde-runtime/nepomuk/kioslaves/tags/, in the nepomuk/tagsKioSlave branch. Could someone please review it? I would like to merge it before the hard freeze.

It has a custom url naming scheme -

tags:/tag1 => All the files tagged with 'tag1' and additional tags which can be used filter the results.

tags:/tag1/file_url_of_the_file => This is the url of the file. Ideally I would just use the normal url of the file, but we need to have the 'tags' protocol, so that we can handle delete events. We don't want to delete the file, rather just remove that tag.

This file_url_of_the_file is added as the UDS_NAME, and results in the search results looking slightly ugly if the file properties are checked. Is there a better way of handling this?
tags:/tag1/tag2 => Files tagged with both tag1 and tag2

Known problems -
* You can move files into a tag folder thereby effectively loosing them
* No automatic updates
* It shows the tags with the nepomuk icon. We need a better 'tags' icon.

Vishesh Handa