Hi all, To be able to have live preview in Kile, I compiled Kile and Okular from source as described in [1]. Now, this works like a charm and I am really happy with it, but there is one minor point that I hope can be easily fixed. If not, I hope there is a good explanation for it and that someone of you can explain it. Kile (the version built by me, not the version installed via the repositories) does not use the colour scheme I have chosen. Because of that, there is an ugly border between the window decoration (that does have the correct colours) and the "window content". Also, the highlighting of menu items on hovers has the wrong colour. Does somebody know how to fix that, or/and can somebody explain why this is the case? Thanks in advance! Thom [1]: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/kile/index.php?title=Live_Preview >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<