
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 7:15 PM, David Edmundson <david@davidedmundson.co.uk> wrote:
Good to see these merged into playground!

Some things we would need to proposing for KDE extragear/core
- Watch your coding style
 In particular:
   Always use braces
   Don't call classes "MySomething". As the "My" isn't very helpful
   Make sure the files actually match the names of the class.
audio.h, video.h, text.h
   MyAudio::~MyAudio() use m_mediaObject->deleteLater(); instead of
delete (it's safer). Alternatively set a parent on it in the
constructor and don't manually delete it.
  Technically your whitespace is off in many ways too, but that's
being pedantic.

Unlike what many people think the mentioned web-page is the coding-style for kdelibs only. Other kde projects/modules may choose to adopt that style or parts of the style, but its not mandatory for any module to follow it. You're always free to choose whatever style suits you.
