От: "todd rme" <toddrme2178@gmail.com>
Кому: kde-devel@kde.org
Отправленные: Четверг, 3 Май 2012 г 18:46:26
Тема: Re: Several new utilities for KDE: KLook and StackFolder

In dolphin, you know the "+" button in the corner that you click to
select the file?  It would be nice if there was a button in another
corner to trigger KLook.  It would be much more convenient for people
navigating with a mouse to not have to switch over to the keyboard.
See here:


We thought about this function and arrived at a conclusion, that it will
be not very useful. Some time ago, we asked our users about selection
marker in folders and found, that many users do not understand what is this
function intended for. And only very few percent of users use this function
(for example, we disabled this function in Mandriva/ROSA by default and
did not receive any negative feedback about this).

Also, KLook can be used to see multiple files, so it will be not very good
usability thing: use action for one object to see several object. I think
it will be better to put a button for the KLook to the toolbar, so the users,
who want to use mouse to use KLook will can do this.

WBR, Denis Koryavov.