Well, yes. it would be a lot easier, but It wont work. I have made changes in a previous  version(3.5.x i'm not at work right now, can't check the x), so I could adapt it to my needs  at work, and now I need to do the same changes in a more recent version. It doesn't really matter which one, as long as it can run properly on Lucid. I'm trying with this one because it was the one i got with apt-get source. 

I'm a begginer, I've been using Linux for six months only, would be easier if I try with a more recent version? Also I dont really need the whole KDE, I'm sure that i can fit most of what i need on KDM, but if I try to build it, i get this error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/361980/

I've found also this chat about it http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/01/24/%23ubuntu-mobile.txt
I've done what he says there, copied the cmake folder to the kdm folder, added the subdirectory, but it didn't work also :(

I've been stuck at this point for a while, any ideas are apreciated! 

Thanks for your help.

2011/6/18 Frank Reininghaus <frank78ac@googlemail.com>

> Hello, I am trying to build kdebase-workspace 4.4.5 on Lucid but i'm stuck.
> When i try to build it i get the following error :

I don't know why the build fails for you, but I'm wondering why you
are trying to build such an old KDE version from source? Wouldn't it
be much easier to just install the KDE packages provided by Ubuntu?
Lucid does ship KDE 4.4 AFAIK.
