Hi, On Wednesday, March 23, 2011 01:21:23 jam wrote: > Guys, without starting a flame war, the whole nepomuk shebang ruined the > best mailer around. If you don't want a flamewar started, why are you being so polarizing? > [info] I use gnome not kde. Every single time I start kmail on any of my > machines I need to start kmail twice. Once with 'nepomuk not > running' [report] [close], also with 'Nepomuk search service not > registered at D-Bus'. Also requires 2 starts. Did you look at bugs.kde.org, if that's already reported? If not, please file a detailed bug report, so the KMail developers can keep track of it and eventually fix it. > Is it feasable to build kmail without nepomuk services? It basically works, but will lack certain features, such as full-text search. > I've done projects with QT but the build process for kontact looks > intimidating. You can just switch off Nepomuk, for example via system settings. > Nepomuk spends ages with CPU pegged and driving the disk for something > I see no use for in any way, and cannot imagine ever using! There's been a bug in < 4.6.0 (or .1, maybe?), which once fixed, made this problem go away. Your approach sounds a bit like asking a doctor "I think my leg hurts, can you chop it off?". It's certainly *one* way to go about it, but likely not the ideal route to take. Legs that do not hurt can be quite useful. :) Cheers, -- sebas http://www.kde.org | http://vizZzion.org | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<