On Wednesday, March 23, 2011 01:21:23 AM jam wrote: > Guys, without starting a flame war, the whole nepomuk shebang ruined the > best mailer around. > > [info] I use gnome not kde. Every single time I start kmail on any of my > machines I need to start kmail twice. Once with 'nepomuk not > running' [report] [close], also with 'Nepomuk search service not > registered at D-Bus'. Also requires 2 starts. > > Is it feasable to build kmail without nepomuk services? > I've done projects with QT but the build process for kontact looks > intimidating. > > Nepomuk spends ages with CPU pegged and driving the disk for *something* > I see no use for in any way, and cannot imagine ever using! > > Thanks > James Hi James, You need to provide more precisions here: what KMail version? why do you compile it? Why is the build intimidating? As far as I know it's not different from any other KDE projects. Personally I use the stable KMail version 1.13.6 and I don't have any problems. KMail 2 has not been released as stable so if you use it on production machines maybe you could ask your distribution why they ship it as stable. "Nepomuk spends ages with CPU pegged and driving the disk for *something* I see no use for in any way, and cannot imagine ever using!" You're writing to a developer list so "spends ages" "CPU pegged" and such are irrelevant. Facts please! Check if it's Strigi or Nepomuk doing all this, check your settings in System Settings, add all relevant information here. Small remark: it's not QT but Qt. Best regards, Anne-Marie >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<