Hi Anand
KIO code resides inside the kdelibs git repo, so you will have to clone that and navigate to the correct dirs and files.

On Mar 23, 2011 12:09 AM, "Anand Kumar" <anandk.r.07@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sir,
> I am Anand S Kumar, an aspiring student who wants to participate in
> Google Summer of Code 2011, under your organization on the Project of
> improving the KIO file transfer program.
> According to your site the Expected result for the project is -
> 1. To make directory scanning and the actual scan to take place in parallel
> 2. Error Handling in a appropriate manner with reports to all error at end.
> 3. To merge multiple transfers perhaps on file-system basis.
> I would like to ask to u if u could provide me with the current source code
> for KIO fFle Transfer program so that i can better understand what is
> actually happenning as of now in the program and what needs changes.