On Wednesday, June 30, 2010, Anne-Marie Mahfouf wrote: > Hi, > > I was wondering why this is not a required dependency since programs cannot > open without it. Or is it only because I build from KDE sources that I miss > it? When some package installs a new XML file with mime type definitions in ${XDG_MIME_INSTALL_DIR}, the install procedure should run the script update-mime-database. This script may be invoked as a post-install step by a package manager. That is exactly what happens with my Drumstick library (http://drumstick.sf.net, it is a dependency of KMid and others). The main CMakeLists.txt has this line: INSTALL( FILES drumstick.xml DESTINATION share/mime/packages ) That is only copying the XML file into the destination directory, and must be processed after the installation. In the provided RPM spec, I have: PreReq: shared-mime-info ... %post %{_bindir}/update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime %postun %{_bindir}/update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime So if you have installed it, or a similar library from sources, you probably missed the execution of the script, and it is my fault (or the authors of the other package you installed from sources). There is a CMake macro for this task, update_xdg_mimetypes() that is defined in FindSharedMimeInfo.cmake. This macro is used in kdelibs/mimetypes/CMakeLists.txt, so it is already a dependency of KDE. Regards, Pedro >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<