On 2010-05-26, Tom Albers wrote: > Sure, but those commits go to a mailinglist, so everyone can check what > goes in. Detecting that a tarball has changed (or MITM) results in no > commit message to any list. Changing the published sha1sums is a lot harder > btw, as those are in svn too. But I don't think many check sha1sums. > > If the workflow is anywhere near sane for signing tarballs, I agree we > should do them. 1) check that the tarballs are sane. 2) generate some checksums sha256sum *.tar.gz > sha256-sums 3) sign the checksums gpg --clearsign sha256-sums 4) publish the signed checksums and the tarbaals scp *.tar.gz sha256-sums.asc ktown:path 5) profit. Alternatively, sign each tarball separately, but in a human unreadable format 1) check that the tarballs are sane 2) sign tarbaals for i in *.tar.gz ; do gpg -b $i ; done 3) publish tarballs and signatures scp *.tar.gz *.sig ktown:path 4) profit. To validate: First you need to establish a trust path to the key used to sign the sources. This is the hard step. either: download tarballs and sha256 sums gpg --verify sha256-sums.asc sha256sum -c sha256-sums.asc profit or, if each tarball is signed individually download tarballs and sig natures for i in *.tar.gz ; do gpg --verify $i.sig $i ; done profit But verifying still fails on 'establish trust path to whoever signs it'. Everyone can create a key saying "dirk mueller ", so it kind of needs verifications. /Sune >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<