Le Wednesday 18 November 2009, Timothy Pearson a écrit : > Hi all, > > I have been maintaining and improving KDE3 for Ubuntu for a while now, and > have accumulated a massive set of patches that: > * Add lots of functionality > * Fix old bugs > * Allow compilation on new systems > > How would I go about including them into the KDE3 SVN/GIT, and then > generating a new 3.5.11 release? Where are the patch? Please send link to it. Otherwise i vote them to be submitted in the 3.5 branch in the KDE svn, once they get reviewed by the 'maintainer' (or at least given a chance to be seen. If there is no more maitainer of a given code and nobody claims it, just submit.) (Getting an SVN account is (almost) just a matter of asking for one, see http://techbase.kde.org/Contribute/Get_a_SVN_Account ) So please send a email to the mailing list of the given sub-project with the patches. (kde-core-devel for the libs/base) (some people will maybe prefer reviewboard) >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<